Aloha, peeps!
Yup - I'm back! Mountains of laundry to do and mail to sort through, of course.

I'll be posting about the trip soon but here's a pic in the meantime:

One of the sunsets during the cruise over to Hawaii. So pretty!!



**ETA: I think it is actually a sunrise that my mother captured (I, of course, was never awake for a sunrise).

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posted by C2 at 11:40 PM | Permalink | 5 comments
Packing up and taking this show on the road...
I believe I briefly mentioned that I'm getting ready to go to Hawaii - we leave very, very early Wednesday morning. :o) My mom, my aunt, a friend and I are cruising over and around and back so I'll be offline for a couple of weeks.

I know it seems like my mom and I just got back from a cruise but the friend that is going has been talking about a trip to Hawaii forever and she is recently engaged so this will be her last big "girl trip", most likely. We could either do it now or wait until the fall (too many conflicts during the summer - and too expensive) so we're going now. W00t!

Sailing roundtrip means a lot of time at sea, of course - four days each way - so it will be very restful with plenty of reading time. :o) I'll be in and out until Tuesday night and then I'll be headed here:

Try to be good while I'm gone, peeps!

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posted by C2 at 3:27 PM | Permalink | 6 comments
Happy Easter!



posted by C2 at 12:33 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Oh Happy Day!!
And not just because it's Friday! I'm coming to you live from the iBook - it finally got out of the hospital, peeps! YAY! Happy happy happy me!

It came back just in time to go to Hawaii with me (next Wednesday - w00t!!!). Excellent! That's why I've been missing lately, by the way. I've been trying to get everything together to pack this weekend. Yippee!

Sorry for all the exclamation points, btw. ;-)


posted by C2 at 3:41 PM | Permalink | 0 comments