Let them entertain you!
Greetings to all the peeps that aren't away watching the new Batman movie! Are you craving some new, fun entertainment-like fabulousness - from the king himself, Joss Whedon?? Hie* yourself to Dr. Horrible.com!! Oh, all parts are also available for download at iTunes. You know, if you want to put it on your iPod or iPhone. ;-)
*hie - pronunciation: \ˈhī\; function: verb; definition: to strive, hasten; to go quickly
Also, a reminder (yes, I've been sadly lacking in my Suz news updates - but a countdown is right there under my blog header, for crying out loud): Into the Fire comes out Tuesday, peeps! All I can say is Barnes and Noble better have it on my porch when I get home from work...oh, I'm taking off that day for an unrelated matter. Duh. B&N, if they truly appreciated my business, would have ITF on my porch when I get home from work Monday. Talk about the best gift evar!
I'll be updating the "Patience is a Virtue" section later, too. And I almost forgot, I have joined the lemmings and am now Twittering. LOL I'm c2s over there so feel free to follow me through my incredibly boring days.
Labels: book stuff, entertainment, linkage, lolcat, silliness, Suz, tinkering
posted by C2 at 7:28 PM | Permalink |
Marg - wasn't it just so excellent? Fab, says me! I'm hoping for sequels... And didn't Nathan look like he'd been working out - a lot? Whoa.
Cindy - you must watch! So enjoyable...if you're a fan of Joss to start with, especially. And, if you aren't a fan, why not?! ;-) *looking suspiciously for mockery and ignoring comment about not knowing Suz has a new book coming out*
I just finished watching this. Thought it was awesome!