We interrupt your regularly scheduled surfing to...

Guess what I have in my hot little hands, gentle readers??? Did you guess?? Did you??

I'm giddy! And I don't know which to start first...*ponders*...perhaps, since it has been longer since I've read one of Jo's books, I'll start with hers.
In a vaguely related topic, has anyone spotted Robin D. Owens' newest Heart book yet?? Just wondering...

Labels: book stuff, squee
posted by C2 at 9:14 PM | Permalink |

Hey Sybil,
I have read A Season to be Sinful. My memory being what it is (LOUSY), I don't remember lots of detail. :o) But Jo's been one of my favorites for ages. I can't think of anything of hers I haven't liked (which would mean more IF I hadn't mentioned my poor memory for details). LOL Still, one thing I remember about ASTBS is that I didn't like the hero being called "Sherry"...maybe because I know lots of Sherries.
I'm about 1/3 of the way into the new one and enjoying muchly so far!
Must...read....Devil in Winter! One of these days it will come in at the library for me!