What am I doing this weekend???

The same thing I do every weekend - TRY TO FINISH DECORATING MY CHRISTMAS TREE!

Don't you love Pinky and the Brain, peeps? I do! Did you know it's on the Cartoon Network again? Yup - weeknights at 8:30 Central, I think. Excellent!

Unfamiliar with Pinky and the Brain? Here you go:

What are your plans, peeps?

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posted by C2 at 8:17 PM | Permalink |


At 8:50 PM, Blogger Dev

Well, tomorrow I'm going to my sister's to watch Shrek 3; Sunday we're going to the Holiday Bazaar; Saturday I've got baby duty so I can to spend all day spoiling my kiddos ~ and reading as much as possible.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger ~ames~

I've got no plans. I'm book shopping on Sunday (there's a sale). just chillin' with my pups.

And I loved watching Pinky and Brain back in my younger days. Animaniacs was too funny.


At 11:02 AM, Blogger C2

Wow Dev! You have a full weekend planned! Sounds like fun. :o)

Ames - you're having my favorite kind of weekend. Hanging out, doing what you want (with puppies, even!) and a book sale. Yay! Of course, at your advanced age, it's best that you don't overdo. ;-)


At 1:57 PM, Blogger ~ames~

My advanced age?


You're a saucy wench. :P


At 4:49 PM, Blogger C2

Hey, you're the one who mentioned watching Pinky and the Brain back in your "younger days".

Saucy, hmm? I like it! :-D


At 8:32 AM, Blogger Kristie (J)

I'm raking leaves and waiting for new book shelves to arrive.
And I LOVE Pinky and the Brain!! Have ever since I saw my first P&TB cartoon


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Devon

My kids love P&tB too! I've been DVRing it for them. I'm sure they don't get half of what's going on, but they think it's hilarious.